Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Yummy Letter A

   Yesterday we had a yummy time   celebrating the letter A and its sound by making apple turnovers.  We followed a recipe and made turnovers while wearing our A aprons.                         

Thank you to Houston's mom, Micah's mom, and Josey's mom for their help! Thank you also to the parents who sent in the ingredients to make it ALL possible.

Today we had our apple taste test.  Which kind of apple is your favorite: green, yellow, or red?  After our taste
test, we created a Apple Math Glyph to show how we like our apples best!

Next week we move on to the letter S!  Look for notes in Monday folders to see what we will be doing and how you can help!  
Have a great weekend!  GO BIG O and ROLL TIDE! 


Monday, September 19, 2011

Pumpkin Seeds

We have planted our pumpkin seed and are keeping watch of our plant as it grows.

                                      Day Five

Black and Gold Day

Thanks to Erin and her mom, we have a black and gold tree in our classroom.  We have been working hard and with help from Houston's mom we have decorated it with yellow jackets and footballs.  Carson's mom donated pom-poms to our class for pep rallies and we used them as our tree skirt.  Thank you to all the parents!!!

Barefoot Stations

We filled our bucket!!!! 
As their reward for filling the bucket, our class had our reading stations while barefoot this past week. 
What a simple yet satisfying reward for them!